Hire for SEO

A free five-day email course to teach you how to hire the right SEO partner or talent.

Start making the right SEO decisions.


Ask yourself:

  • Which is best for my company: Agency, Freelancer, Consultant, or Employee?
  • Where can I find the best talents?
  • What questions should I ask during the interview?
  • How to access what is a “good SEO professional”?
  • How can I maximize the success of the project after I make the hiring?
  • What timelines should I expect?

If you don’t know how to answer one of those questions, then Hire for SEO will help you clarify that.

In this series, I’ll cover most of the things that I learned in my days as a hiring manager building SEO teams and training talents.

In the Hire for SEO Bootcamp, you’ll learn:

  • Lesson 1: How to choose the best hiring model
  • Lesson 2: How to search for the best SEO talents
  • Lesson 3: How the interviewing process works
  • Lesson 4: How to onboard your SEO talent
  • Lesson 5: How to train and retain a great SEO


Tell me where to send your Hire for SEO Bootcamp lessons:


Kind words from Others

romulo gomes

“Stay near people who have great taste and an insane rate of learning”: this quote perfectly summarizes how I see Yuri.
His unique combination of top notch hard-skills, pragmatism and a deep sense of self-awareness makes him an extraordinary guy.
Rômulo Gomes

Pedro Gemal

He helped the whole team grow strong in applying best marketing practices to daily work.
Yuri has all the qualities to help people reach their full potential, boost their performance and proficiency in his areas of knowledge.
Pedro Gemal

ben rodigas

I was impressed with his depth and breadth of marketing knowledge and techniques. He was also a super fun and pleasant person to work with!
Ben Rodigas

tania gomes

Yuri exhibits strong interpersonal skills and a unique capacity for empathy. These qualities most notably translate in his ability to motivate a team to care about its project and be invested in the project’s success. He is the go-to person for conflict resolution and problem-solving.
Tania Gomes

About Yuri

Hi! I’m Yuri Moreno and I’m an SEO consultant for more than 10 years now. I’ve given sold-out training and workshops in three continents, I am the author of an SEO book, and I have helped brands like Afya, Carrefour, BBC, TIM, and others with their SEO strategy, tactics, and training.

Author and SEO Professional, Yuri Moreno, smiling on a headshot portrait on a solid background.

I have over a decade of real-world experience successfully hiring SEO professionals and service providers for 20+ business owners I have counseled. These days, I’m routinely in charge of teams of 5+ professionals working on SEO projects.

This natural career progressions helped me understand the in and outs of hiring and building teams that are focused on organic and performance marketing. In fact, I did interview 100+ candidates and agencies so far, and this number keeps growing every day. 📈

What are you WAITING for?

You got to the end of the page! Don’t waste more time doing the wrong SEO decision.

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